All spring workshop are $200 plus the EventBrite fee. Email for bursary information.

What Makes Poetry Poetry with Arleen Pare
Wednesdays, March 2-23, 6:30-8:30 PST
Admission: $200 + EventBrite fee
There is often the question: “What is poetry?”; and its corollary, “What makes poetry, poetry?” In this 4-week workshop we will try to sort out the second half of this issue, discussing which elements Read more…

The Story at the Heart of the Story: A Workshop in Memoir with Carla Funk
Mondays, April 4-25, 7:00-9:00 PDT
Admission: $200 + EventBrite fee
In this four-week course, you’ll write toward the one glowing story deep at the core of the bigger story. Each session will include creative lessons on craft, a few readings to fuel your Read more…

For the Thrill of It: Mastering the Modern Thriller with Sheena Kamal
Thursdays, May 5-26, 6:30-8:30 PDT
Admission: $200 + EventBrite Fee
In this four-week workshop, award-winning author Sheena Kamal will explore the elements of writing the modern thriller: finding a powerful hook, creating memorable characters, Read more…

How to Write a Romance Novel with Sarah Castille / Sara Desai
Thursdays, June 2-23, 7-9pm PDT
Admission: $200 + EventBrite fee
Romance is one of the best-selling genres of fiction and opportunities abound for new and unique stories that fill our hearts and ignite our passions. Whether you are a new or Read more…