Victoria Festival of Authors would love to partner with your organization or business. Help make festival programming a success, and we’ll ensure our attendees know about it!
We feature sponsors prominently in the festival programme, our website, social media platforms and newsletter (which has a readership of over 1500!)
Please see below to find out our sponsor rates, or contact info@victoriafestivalofauthors.ca to discuss how you can help enrich Victoria’s literary scene.
Sponsorship Opportunities 2022
Friend of Festival: $50 cash and / or in-kind
- Name recognition on our website
Author Sponsor: $200 cash and/ or in-kind
- Name or logo and link on website
- Name in festival programme
Panel Sponsor: $575 cash and/ or in-kind
- Name or logo and link on website
- Name or logo in festival programme beside panel
- Recognition during introduction of panel event
Bronze: $1,000 cash and / or in-kind
- Name or logo and link on website
- Name or logo in festival programme
- Logo before livestream and Zoom events
- 1/5 page ad in festival programme
- Recognition on Facebook (followers 1200+)
- Recognition in newsletter (circulation 1500+)
Silver: $2,500 cash and / or in-kind
- Name or logo and link on website
- Name or logo in festival programme
- Logo before livestream and Zoom events
- Recognition during introduction at gala event
- 1/2 page ad in festival programme
- Recognition on Facebook (followers 1200+)
- Recognition in newsletter (circulation 1500+)
- Name or logo on festival poster
Gold: $5,000 cash and / or in-kind
- Name or logo and link on website
- Name or logo in festival programme
- Logo before livestream and Zoom events
- Recognition during introduction at gala event
- Full page ad in festival programme
- Recognition on Facebook (followers 1200+)
- Recognition in newsletter (circulation 1500+)
- Name or logo on festival poster and bookmark
- Recognition in some press releases
Presenting: $10,000 cash
- Recognition as the Presenting Sponsor: on our website; in the festival programme; on Facebook; in our newsletter, on the festival poster and bookmarks, during all events and in all press releases
- Full page add in festival programme