Sept 21 -22, 2024
New in 2024, Victoria Festival of Authors is celebrating the fall with a festival launch weekend in September. We are offering four workshops with four of BC’s most celebrated authors, and a reading that includes them all.
Workshops offer sliding scale pricing, so please self-select a price that reflects your financial capacity. If our discount tickets still present a financial hardship, contact us to discuss an alternative.
With a new-to-us accessible venue, sliding-scale pricing with a free option, four diverse readings and an open-mic featuring workshop attendees, the Festival Launch Reading is our first large-scale event of the season, and offers something for everyone. We hope to see you there!
Festival Launch Reading

Festival launch reading with Maia Caron, Jen Currin, Susan Juby + open mic! Sit back and relax as our four workshop leaders read from their recent works. This evening will begin with an open mic featuring some of our workshop participants. Read more…
The Opening Image: creating cinematic moments in any genre

In this workshop with Maia Caron, you will learn how to write the first page of a vivid, memorable opening scene by creating cinematic moments between characters, using unique descriptions and dialogue, writing rich interiority and reactions that will surprise and captivate your reader read more…
Making Poems

In this two-day workshop with Jen Currin we’ll experiment with a variety of exercises to generate new material that can be used for poems, with the goal of writing at least one complete poem per day. Students will read work by published poets, write, revise, and share (if they wish) their work with each other read more…
They Have to be Able to Talk

As Elmore Leonard wrote of his characters, they have to be able to talk. Writing effective dialogue is an essential skill for any writer. In this workshop with Susan Juby you will learn how to write dialogue that establishes relationship dynamics and builds tension while moving the plot forward. You will learn tricks to help you develop an ear for distinctive turns of phrase, grammar and vocabulary, and read more…